BGP configuration


This section describes BGP configuration. Traffic Dictator uses BGP to collect network topology information and dissemiante Traffic Engineering policies. 3 address families are supported:

1. BGP Link-State (receive-only) is used to collect link-state information of IGP topologies.

2. BGP SR-TE (send-only) is used to send Traffic Engineering policies to routers.

3. BGP Labeled-Unicast has 2 purposes:

(a) Get Egress Peer Engineering labels from egress ASBR. While BGP Peer SID distributed via BGP-LS is a preferred method for EPE, some implementations use BGP-LU, and Traffic Dictator supports that as well

(b) Alternative method to send Traffic Engineering policies to routers. This can be useful with routers that don’t support BGP SR-TE

Basic BGP configuration

The minimal BGP configuration requires a router ID, and at least one neighbor with remote-AS configured and at least one address family enabled. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported. Example configuration.

router bgp 65001
      remote-as 65002
      address-family ipv4-labeled-unicast
      address-family link-state
   neighbor 2001:192::101
      remote-as 65002
      address-family ipv4-srte
      address-family ipv6-labeled-unicast
      address-family ipv6-srte
      address-family link-state

Verify neighbor state

TD1#show bgp summary 
BGP summary information
Router identifier, local AS number 65001
  Neighbor             V    AS          MsgRcvd  MsgSent      InQ     OutQ      Up/Down    State          Received NLRI    Active AF        4    65002           217      126        0        0      2:04:21    Established              164    IPv4-LU, LS
  2001:192::101        4    65002           215      198        0        0      2:04:20    Established              164    IPv4-SRTE, IPv6-LU, IPv6-SRTE, LS

For more detailed information, run “show bgp neighbors”:

TD1#show bgp neighbors 2001:192::101
BGP neighbor is 2001:192::101, port 24304 remote AS 65002, external link
  BGP version 4, remote router ID
  Last read 0:00:46, last write 0:00:24
  Hold time is 180, keepalive interval is 60 seconds
  Configured hold time is 180, keepalive interval is 60 seconds
  Hold timer is active, time left 0:02:14
  Keepalive timer is active, time left 0:00:36
  Connect timer is inactive
  Idle hold timer is inactive
  BGP state is Established, up for 2:21:24
  Number of transitions to established: 1
  Last state was OpenConfirm

  Active address families:
    IPv4-SRTE, IPv6-LU, IPv6-SRTE, LS

  Other negotiated capabilities:
    route-refresh, asn32

                         Sent       Rcvd
    Opens:                  1          1
    Notifications:          0          0
    Updates:              112         90
    Keepalives:           142        141
    Route Refresh:          0          0
    Total messages:       255        232
  NLRI statistics:

                                    Sent       Rcvd
    Link-State:                        0        164
    IPv4 Labeled-Unicast:              0          0
    IPv6 Labeled-Unicast:              0          0
    IPv4 SRTE:                        10          0
    IPv6 SRTE:                        10          0
Local IP is 2001:192::a8c1:abff:fe87:68a2, local AS is 65001, local router ID
TTL is 1

Check BGP routing table

TD1#show bgp link-state 

BGP-LS routing table information
Router identifier, local AS number 65001
Status codes: * valid, > best
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
Prefix codes: E link, V node, T IP reacheable route, S SRv6 SID, u/U unknown,
          I Identifier, N local node, R remote node, L link, P prefix, S SID,
          L1/L2 ISIS level-1/level-2, O OSPF, D direct, S static/peer-node,
          a area-ID, l link-ID, t topology-ID, s ISO-ID,
          c confed-ID/ASN, b bgp-identifier, r router-ID, s SID,
          i if-address, n nbr-address, o OSPF Route-type, p IP-prefix,
          d designated router address

          Network                 Next Hop               Metric        LocPref  Weigth   Path
*>                                     0            100       0   65002  i
                             2001:192::101                    0            100       0   65002  i
*>                                     0            100       0   65002  i
                             2001:192::101                    0            100       0   65002  i
*>                                     0            100       0   65002  i
                             2001:192::101                    0            100       0   65002  i

TD1#show bgp ipv4 srte 
BGP-SRTE routing table information
Router identifier, local AS number 65001
Status codes: * valid, > best, + - inserted
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

          Network                                                         Next Hop               Metric        LocPref  Weigth   Path
*>+       [96][1][6][]                                             -                      0             -        0        i
*>+       [96][1][7][]                                             -                      0             -        0        i
*>+       [96][1][3][]                                             -                      0             -        0        i
*>+       [96][1][8][]                                             -                      0             -        0        i
*>+       [96][1][5][]                                       -                      0             -        0        i
*>+       [96][1][4][]                                       -                      0             -        0        i
*>+       [96][1][1][]                                         -                      0             -        0        i
*>+       [96][1][2][]                                         -                      0             -        0        i
*>+       [96][1][9][]                                         -                      0             -        0        i
*>+       [96][1][10][]                                        -                      0             -        0        i

TD1#show bgp ipv6 srte 
BGP-SRTE routing table information
Router identifier, local AS number 65001
Status codes: * valid, > best, + - inserted
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

          Network                                                         Next Hop               Metric        LocPref  Weigth   Path
*>+       [192][1][106][::]                                               -                      0             -        0        i
*>+       [192][1][107][::]                                               -                      0             -        0        i
*>+       [192][1][105][2001:100:19::104]                                 -                      0             -        0        i
*>+       [192][1][104][2001:100:20::105]                                 -                      0             -        0        i
*>+       [192][1][103][2002::1]                                          -                      0             -        0        i
*>+       [192][1][108][2002::9]                                          -                      0             -        0        i
*>+       [192][1][101][2002::11]                                         -                      0             -        0        i
*>+       [192][1][102][2002::11]                                         -                      0             -        0        i
*>+       [192][1][109][2002::11]                                         -                      0             -        0        i
*>+       [192][1][110][2002::11]                                         -                      0             -        0        i

Add “detail” for more detailed outputs; also explore TDCLI further with tab and ?.

Clear or shutdown BGP neighbors

It is possible to shutdown a neighbor

TD1(config)#router bgp 65001
TD1(config-router-bgp-nbr)#do sh bgp su
BGP summary information
Router identifier, local AS number 65001
  Neighbor             V    AS          MsgRcvd  MsgSent      InQ     OutQ      Up/Down    State          Received NLRI    Active AF        4    65002           225      134        0        0      Never      Idle(Admin)                0    
  2001:192::101        4    65002           223      205        0        0      2:11:40    Established              164    IPv4-SRTE, IPv6-LU, IPv6-SRTE, LS

Clear neighbor – note that “soft clear” is the default unlike some other BGP implementations. To reset a session, do “clear bgp hard”:

TD1#clear bgp * ?
  in                   Send route refresh to peer
  out                  Readvertise all routes to peer
  hard                 Reset BGP session

Advanced BGP neighbor configuration

Traffic Dictator has some other configuration options for BGP session.

Adjust keepalive and hold timers (default are 60 and 180):

TD1(config-router-bgp-nbr)#timers 10 30

Enable passive mode (only accept connections but don’t initiate session):


Enable eBGP-multihop (increase TTL for eBGP sessions from default value of 1):

TD1(config-router-bgp-nbr)#ebgp-multihop 10

Available address families:

TD1(config-router-bgp-nbr)#address-family ?
  link-state           BGP link-state
  ipv4-srte            BGP IPv4 SRTE
  ipv6-srte            BGP IPv6 SRTE
  ipv4-labeled-unicast BGP IPv4 labeled unicast
  ipv6-labeled-unicast BGP IPv6 labeled unicast