BGP-LU policies


This chapter describes the configuration of SR-TE policies using BGP Labeled Unicast. This is less optimal than BGP SR-TE but might be necessary with routers that don’t support BGP SR-TE.

Why Labeled Unicast

One of the goals of Traffic Dictator is to lower the entry barrier for Traffic Engineering, so that network operators are not locked in with expensive routers from a handful of big vendors, but have a wider choice of various routers available to them, including whitebox routers and open source routing implementations.

Some of these devices don’t support BGP SR-TE or PCEP, but almost any router that supports basic MPLS, also supports BGP Labeled Unicast. This allows network operator to use BGP-LU to install Traffic Engineering policies. BGP-LU doesn’t have a concept of “color” like SR-TE, but Traffic Dictator offers an option of “service-loopback” to emulate the SR-TE color functionality with BGP-LU.

In this topology, R8 has a “service-loopback” It is not advertised into IGP but advertised into BGP-LU with nexthop of which is the main R8 loopback reachable via IGP. R8 advertises to R1 with a lower local preference, as a backup route to preserve best effort path if the controller fails. When advertising the L3 VPN route for, R8 sets nexthop to

Traffic Dictator sends a BGP-LU route to R1, with prefix, and nexthop of R3 interface address. This way, the same behaviour as automated steering can be achieved even if routers do not support BGP SR-TE.

Simple BGP-LU policy with dynamic path

Consider the following topology:

The network is running IS-IS L2. In order to create an IPv4 policy to steer traffic from R1 to R11 only using blue links, we can configure the following policy:

   policy R1_R11_BLUE_ONLY_IPV4
      headend topology-id 101
      endpoint service-loopback
      priority 7 7
      install direct labeled-unicast
      candidate-path preference 100
         metric igp
         affinity-set BLUE_ONLY
         bandwidth 100 mbps

Affinity-set BLUE_ONLY and relevant affinity mapping is configured to match the links with affinity 0x1 as advertised by IGP.

traffic-eng affinities
      name BLUE bit-position 0
   affinity-set BLUE_ONLY
      constraint include-all
      name BLUE

Verifying BGP-LU policy

TD1#show traffic-eng policy R1_R11_BLUE_ONLY_IPV4 detail
Detailed traffic-eng policy information:

Traffic engineering policy "R1_R11_BLUE_ONLY_IPV4"

    Valid config, Active
    Headend, topology-id 101, Maximum SID depth: 6
    Endpoint, service-loopback
        Endpoint type: Node, Topology-id: 101, Protocol: isis, Router-id: 0011.0011.0011.00

    Setup priority: 7, Hold priority: 7
    Reserved bandwidth bps: 100000000
    Install direct, protocol labeled-unicast, peer
    Policy index: 6, SR-TE distinguisher: 16777222

    Candidate paths:
        Candidate-path preference 100
            Path config valid
            Metric: igp
            Path-option: dynamic
            Affinity-set: BLUE_ONLY
                Constraint: include-all
                List: ['BLUE']
                Value: 0x1
            This path is currently active

    Calculation results:
        Aggregate metric: 400
        Topologies: ['101']
        Segment lists:
            [900010, 100003]
        BGP-LU next-hop:

    Policy statistics:
        Last config update: 2024-09-06 10:40:56,270
        Last recalculation: 2024-09-06 10:41:16.650
        Policy calculation took 0 miliseconds

There is a lot of information. Key things are:

  • Endpoint has been resolved to IS-IS system-ID 0011.0011.0011.00 in topology-id 101 (same as headend)
  • Constraint has been resolved to 0x1
  • Candidate-path preference 100 is active
  • Calculated segment list is [900010, 100003] which is R10 node SID and R10 adj SID towards R11 using blue link. Segment list is within the MSD limit of R1 so it’s allowed.
  • 100 mbps of bandwidth has been reserved (can be verified with “show topology” outputs)

Note how the segment list doesn’t include R5 node SID, like it does in an SR-TE policy in the same topology. This is because R5 is directly connected to R1, so there is no need to push R5 node SID. Instead, Traffic Dictator sets BGP-LU next-hop to which is the IP address of R5 interface connected to R1.

Advertising BGP-LU policy to headend

The only option for BGP-LU is to advertise the route directly to a BGP peer, which has Labeled Unicast configured and negotiated. Verify the peer exists and IPv4-LU is negotiated:

TD1#show bgp su
BGP summary information
Router identifier, local AS number 65001
  Neighbor             V    AS          MsgRcvd  MsgSent      InQ     OutQ      Up/Down    State          Received NLRI    Active AF        4    65002           142      133        0        0      1:07:07    Established               95    IPv4-LU, LS

Verify that the route has been created and send to peer:

TD1#show bgp ipv4 labeled-unicast [16777222][]
BGP-LS routing table information
Router identifier, local AS number 65001

BGP routing table entry for [16777222][]
Label stack: [900010, 100003]
Paths: 1 available, best #1
  Last modified: September 06, 2024 10:41:16
  Local, inserted
    - from - (
      Origin igp, metric 0, localpref -, weight 0, valid, -, best

NLRI for the BGP-LU policies is the configured service-loopback.

TD1#show bgp neighbors ipv4 labeled-unicast advertised-routes | grep 100.11

*>+       [16777222][]                                -                      0             -        0        i

SR-TE distinguisher for BGP-LU policies

All Traffic Engineering policies have a distinguisher which for SR-TE is used for redundancy in a multi-controller setup. While this is not relevant to BGP-LU, Traffic Dictator still attaches distinguisher to BGP-LU policies, in order to separate NLRI from different policies that happen to use the same service loopback. There is no distinguisher field in BGP-LU messages, so the router will receive just the prefix.

Anycast SID, ECMP and multiple Segment Lists in BGP-LU policies

While BGP-LU policies can use anycast SID and ECMP after the first hop, the first hop will always be only one link. BGP-LU policies cannot use multiple Segment Lists.

Explicit path

In order to steer traffic via specific links or nodes, or to exclude links or nodes, you can use explicit path.

traffic-eng policies
   policy R1_R9_EP_STRICT_IPV4
      headend topology-id 101
      endpoint service-loopback
      priority 4 4
      install direct labeled-unicast
      candidate-path preference 100
         explicit-path R2_R6_R9_STRICT
         bandwidth 100 mbps

Explicit path config:

traffic-eng explicit-paths
   explicit-path R2_R6_R9_STRICT
      index 10 strict
      index 20 strict
      index 30 strict

This policy does not use affinities, but forces traffic via R2-R6-R9 as on the diagram below:

TD1#show traffic-eng policy R1_R9_EP_STRICT_IPV4 detail
Detailed traffic-eng policy information:

Traffic engineering policy "R1_R9_EP_STRICT_IPV4"

    Valid config, Active
    Headend, topology-id 101, Maximum SID depth: 6
    Endpoint, color 8
        Endpoint type: Node, Topology-id: 101, Protocol: isis, Router-id: 0009.0009.0009.00

    Setup priority: 4, Hold priority: 4
    Reserved bandwidth bps: 100000000
    Install direct, protocol srte, peer
    Policy index: 10, SR-TE distinguisher: 16777226
    Binding-SID: 966008

    Candidate paths:
        Candidate-path preference 100
            Path config valid
            Metric: igp
            Path-option: explicit
                Explicit path name: R2_R6_R9_STRICT
            This path is currently active

    Calculation results:
        Aggregate metric: 300
        Topologies: ['101']
        Segment lists:
            [900002, 900009]

    Policy statistics:
        Last config update: 2024-09-05 17:28:56,025
        Last recalculation: 2024-09-05 17:34:59.567
        Policy calculation took 0 miliseconds

Note that explicit path is not the same as configuring explicit segment list as it’s possible on some routers. Traffic Dictator will still check the IGP topology and use only required segments. In this example, R6 SID is not used because it’s not required, as shortest path from R2 to R9 satisfies policy constraints.

It is possible to use various constraints in explicit path. For example:

traffic-eng policies
   policy R1_R11_EXCLUDE_SOME_IPV4
      headend topology-id 101
      endpoint service-loopback
      priority 4 4
      install direct labeled-unicast
      candidate-path preference 100
         explicit-path EXCLUDE_SOME
         bandwidth 100 mbps

traffic-eng explicit-paths
   explicit-path EXCLUDE_SOME
      index 10 exclude
      index 20 loose
      index 30 exclude
      index 40 exclude

This instructs the policy to do the following:

1. Get to R7 ( excluding R4 (
2. Get to R11 ( excluding links R9-R11 ( and one of the links R10-11 (

See the topology diagram:


TD1#show traffic-eng policy R1_R11_EXCLUDE_SOME_IPV4 detail 
Detailed traffic-eng policy information:

Traffic engineering policy "R1_R11_EXCLUDE_SOME_IPV4"

    Valid config, Active
    Headend, topology-id 101, Maximum SID depth: 6
    Endpoint, color 10
        Endpoint type: Node, Topology-id: 101, Protocol: isis, Router-id: 0011.0011.0011.00

    Setup priority: 4, Hold priority: 4
    Reserved bandwidth bps: 100000000
    Install direct, protocol srte, peer
    Policy index: 8, SR-TE distinguisher: 16777224
    Binding-SID: 966006

    Candidate paths:
        Candidate-path preference 100
            Path config valid
            Metric: igp
            Path-option: explicit
                Explicit path name: EXCLUDE_SOME
            This path is currently active

    Calculation results:
        Aggregate metric: 500
        Topologies: ['101']
        Segment lists:
            [900005, 900007, 900010, 100003]

    Policy statistics:
        Last config update: 2024-09-05 17:28:56,025
        Last recalculation: 2024-09-05 17:34:59.567
        Policy calculation took 0 miliseconds

The relevant Segment list is: R7 node SID, R10 node SID, R10-R11 adj SID for blue link.

Anycast IP in explicit path

Similarly to SR-TE policies, LU policies can use anycast IP in explicit path. However, remember the limitation mentioned above: an LU policy will always have only one first hop.

Bandwidth reservations

Bandiwdth reservations for LU policies work exactly the same way as for SR-TE policies.

When a policy has bandwidth constraint, Traffic Dictator will perform bandwidth reservations. It will use configured setup priority to check bandwidth constraint, and hold priority to check if the policy can be kicked out to reserve bandwidth a higher-priority policy. Priority 0 is the highest and 7 is the lowest. Also setup priority cannot be higher than hold priority for the same policy.

You can check bandwidth reservations using “show topology” command. There is a very long output, relevant excerpt:

TD1#show topology
  ISIS links

  0006.0006.0006.00              [E][L2][I101][N[c65002][b0][s0006.0006.0006.00]][R[c65002][b0][s0009.0009.0009.00]][L[i10.100.10.6][n10.100.10.9]]
                                 IGP metric:                    100
                                 TE metric:                     500
                                 Affinity:                      0x6
                                 Max-bw:                        10000000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 0:           10000000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 1:           10000000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 2:           10000000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 3:           10000000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 4:           9800000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 5:           9800000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 6:           9800000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 7:           9800000000
                                 Policies priority 0:           []
                                 Policies priority 1:           []
                                 Policies priority 2:           []
                                 Policies priority 3:           []
                                 Policies priority 4:           ['R1_R11_EP_LOOSE_IPV4', 'R1_R9_EP_STRICT_IPV4']
                                 Policies priority 5:           []
                                 Policies priority 6:           []
                                 Policies priority 7:           []