EPE-only policies


This chapter describes the configuration of pure Egress Peer Engineering (EPE) policies that do not impact traffic steering within the IGP domain, but only choose egress peers. EPE-only policies can be useful when there is a requirement for EPE but the network is not running Segment Routing. Or it can run SR but without Traffic Engineering and the operator does not want to export the IGP topology to the controller.


The standard, and preferred way to advertise EPE topology to Traffic Dictator is to configure routers to generate BGP Peer SID, and advertise those using BGP-LS.

If a router does not support BGP Peer SID, the alternative method is to have the router generate a BGP-LU route per egress peer and advertise those to Traffic Dictator.

Important: when using BGP-LU to advertise EPE routes to TD, you must setup a separate BGP session between TD and each egress ASBR that generates LU routes. Also, LU routes must be filtered out in route-maps on all other routers, so that TD receives only one EPE route for a given prefix, and that route is from the ASBR that generated it.

BGP Peer SID and BGP-LS are not impacted by this limitation. You can generate Peer SID on multiple egress ASBR, and have one router (e.g. a route-reflector) advertise all of those to TD.

When using EPE with affinity or bandwidth constraints, or using Null endpoints, make sure you have configured relevant ASBR nodes and egress peers in the relevant config section. Furthermore, specifically for EPE-only policies, you must configure IPv4 or IPv6 address for each egress ASBR as described here: https://vegvisir.ie/asbr-nodes-and-egress-peers-configuration/#ASBR_node_IP_for_EPE-only_policies

EPE-only policies always use BGP-LU as install method. This is because an SR-TE policy cannot recursively resolve over an LDP-only network, and while SR over RSVP is possible, it is complicated and not supported by every vendor.

Therefore, you must configure service-loopbacks for all egress ASBR, do not advertise it into IGP but advertise it via BGP-LU to the headend with lower LOCAL_PREF. Then change next-hop in BGP routes that you want to steer into policy to that service-loopback.

See the chapters about BGP-LU policies and EPE policies with BGP-LU.

EPE-only policy example

Consider the following topology:

TD has BGP-LU sessions with all ASBR which advertise their EPE routes using BGP-LU. It also has a BGP-LU session with R1 so that it can push policies to R1. There is no BGP-LS configured anywhere and IGP topology is not exported to TD.

Now, the requirement is to steer traffic from R1 to ISP4. TD does not control how traffic gets from R1 to R11 so it just folows the shortest path.

Policy config:

traffic-eng policies
   policy R1_ISP4_EPE_ONLY
      endpoint service-loopback
      priority 7 7
      install direct labeled-unicast
      candidate-path preference 100
         bandwidth 100 mbps

Note there is no headend configured. Headend is not required for EPE policies, because TD does not check IGP topology.
Egress ASBR config for R11:

traffic-eng nodes
      ipv4 address
         affinity YELLOW
         bandwidth 10 gbps
         affinity BLUE
         bandwidth 10 gbps

Traffic Dictator checks bandwidth constraint, and uses configured ipv4 address as LU nexthop which will resolve recursively over the existing MPLS control plane.

Verify an EPE-only policy

TD1#show traffic-eng policy R1_ISP4_EPE_ONLY detail
Detailed traffic-eng policy information:

Traffic engineering policy "R1_ISP4_EPE_ONLY"

    Valid config, Active
    This is an EPE-only policy
    Endpoint, service-loopback
        Endpoint type: Egress peer, Topology-id: None, Protocol: epe_only, Router-id:

    Setup priority: 7, Hold priority: 7
    Reserved bandwidth bps: 100000000
    Install direct, protocol labeled-unicast, peer
    Policy index: 2, SR-TE distinguisher: 16777218

    Candidate paths:
        Candidate-path preference 100
            Path config valid
            Metric: igp
            Path-option: dynamic
            This path is currently active

    Calculation results:
        Topologies: None
        Segment lists:
        BGP-LU next-hop:

    Policy statistics:
        Last config update: 2024-09-06 10:40:56,270
        Last recalculation: 2024-09-06 10:41:16.650
        Policy calculation took 0 miliseconds

Check that an LU route has been created and advertised:

TD1#sh bgp ipv4 labeled-unicast [16777218][]
BGP-LS routing table information
Router identifier, local AS number 65001

BGP routing table entry for [16777218][]
Label stack: [100000]
Paths: 1 available, best #1
  Last modified: September 06, 2024 10:41:16
  Local, inserted
    - from - (
      Origin igp, metric 0, localpref -, weight 0, valid, -, best
TD1#show bgp neighbors ipv4 labeled-unicast advertised-routes | grep 103

*>+       [16777218][]                                -                      0             -        0        i

Verify on the headend router

In this case, the headend is Arista EOS.

R1#show bgp ipv4 labeled-unicast 
BGP routing table information for VRF default
Router identifier, local AS number 65002
BGP routing table entry for
 Paths: 2 available
  65001 labels [ 100000 ] from (
      Origin IGP, metric 0, localpref 500, IGP metric 410, weight 0, tag 0
      Received 02:37:01 ago, valid, external, best
      Community: no-advertise
      Local MPLS label: 100004
      Rx SAFI: MplsLabel
      Tunnel RIB eligible
  Local labels [ 3 ] from (
      Origin IGP, metric 0, localpref 100, IGP metric 410, weight 0, tag 0
      Received 02:37:11 ago, valid, internal
      Local MPLS label: 100004
      Rx SAFI: MplsLabel
      Tunnel RIB eligible

Note that the first route (with EPE label 100000) has LOCAL_PREF set to 500 so it’s preferred. The second route (with imp-null) is a backup route advertised from R11, which will be used if the policy goes down or the controller fails, so the traffic will follow the usual BGP rules.

BGP-LU route is resolved via IS-IS SR:

R1#show bgp labeled-unicast tunnel 
   Index       Endpoint               Nexthop/Tunnel Index       Interface       Labels                         Contributing       Metric/Type       Metric 2       Pref    Pref 2
----------- ---------------------- -------------------------- --------------- ------------------------------ ------------------ ----------------- -------------- ---------- ------
   4         IS-IS SR IPv4 (8)          -               [ 100000 ]                     Yes                   0 MED          0              200     0     
R1#show isis segment-routing tunnel 8
   Index       Endpoint             Next Hop/Tunnel Index       Interface    Labels    
----------- -------------------- --------------------------- --------------- ----------
   8                   Ethernet1    [ 900011 ]
                                            Ethernet2    [ 900011 ]
                                            Ethernet3    [ 900011 ]
                                           Ethernet4    [ 900011 ]

In this case, the network is running SR, but if it was running LDP or RSVP, the route would be resolved the same way over those MPLS control planes.

Null endpoint with EPE-only policies

While it is possible to configure an EPE-only policy with null endpoint, similar to what is described here: https://vegvisir.ie/epe-and-null-endpoint-policies/#Null_endpoint_and_BGP-LU, this might not be the best idea. While in regular SR-TE or LU policies with Null endpoint, Traffic Dictator can evaluate all endpoints and pick the one with lowest IGP metric from headend, with EPE-only policies TD has no visibility of IGP topology so it will just pick the lowest egress peer IP.

Bandwidth reservations

When a policy has bandwidth constraint, Traffic Dictator will perform bandwidth reservations. It will use configured setup priority to check bandwidth constraint, and hold priority to check if the policy can be kicked out to reserve bandwidth a higher-priority policy. Priority 0 is the highest and 7 is the lowest. Also setup priority cannot be higher than hold priority for the same policy.

You can check bandwidth reservations using “show topology” command. “show topology epe” shows bandwidth reservations specifically for egress peers.

TD1#show topo epe 
                                 Affinities:                    ['YELLOW']
                                 Shared bandwidth group:        104
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 0:           10000000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 1:           10000000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 2:           10000000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 3:           10000000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 4:           10000000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 5:           10000000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 6:           10000000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 7:           9800000000
                                 Policies priority 0:           []
                                 Policies priority 1:           []
                                 Policies priority 2:           []
                                 Policies priority 3:           []
                                 Policies priority 4:           []
                                 Policies priority 5:           []
                                 Policies priority 6:           []
                                 Policies priority 7:           ['R1_ISP4_ANY_COLOR_IPV4', 'R1_ISP4_EPE_ONLY']