Regular SR-TE policies


This chapter describes the configuration of the usual SR-TE policies, starting and ending within the same IGP domain, with endpoint being a node.

Simple policy with dynamic path

Consider the following topology:

The network is running IS-IS L2. In order to create an IPv6 policy to steer traffic from R1 to R11 only using blue links, we can configure the following policy:

traffic-eng policies
   policy R1_R11_BLUE_ONLY_IPV6
      headend topology-id 101
      endpoint 2002::11 color 101
      binding-sid 15101
      priority 7 7
      install direct srte 2001:192::101
      candidate-path preference 100
         metric igp
         affinity-set BLUE_ONLY
         bandwidth 100 mbps

Affinity-set BLUE_ONLY and relevant affinity mapping is configured to match the links with affinity 0x1 as advertised by IGP.

traffic-eng affinities
      name BLUE bit-position 0
   affinity-set BLUE_ONLY
      constraint include-all
      name BLUE

Verifying SR-TE policy

TD1#show traffic-eng policy R1_R11_BLUE_ONLY_IPV6 detail
Detailed traffic-eng policy information:

Traffic engineering policy "R1_R11_BLUE_ONLY_IPV6"

    Valid config, Active
    Headend, topology-id 101, Maximum SID depth: 10
    Endpoint 2002::11, color 101
        Endpoint type: Node, Topology-id: 101, Protocol: isis, Router-id: 0011.0011.0011.00

    Setup priority: 7, Hold priority: 7
    Reserved bandwidth bps: 100000000
    Install direct, protocol srte, peer 2001:192::101
    Policy index: 11, SR-TE distinguisher: 16777227
    Binding-SID: 15101

    Candidate paths:
        Candidate-path preference 100
            Path config valid
            Metric: igp
            Path-option: dynamic
            Affinity-set: BLUE_ONLY
                Constraint: include-all
                List: ['BLUE']
                Value: 0x1
            This path is currently active

    Calculation results:
        Aggregate metric: 40
        Topologies: ['101']
        Segment lists:
            [17005, 17010, 24015]

    Policy statistics:
        Last config update: 2024-09-05 16:48:27,660
        Last recalculation: 2024-09-05 16:50:20.473
        Policy calculation took 0 miliseconds

There is a lot of information. Key things are:

  • Endpoint 2002::11 has been resolved to IS-IS system-ID 0011.0011.0011.00 in topology-id 101 (same as headend)
  • Constraint has been resolved to 0x1
  • Candidate-path preference 100 is active
  • Calculated segment list is [17005, 17010, 24015] which is R5 node SID, R10 node SID and R10 adj SID towards R11 using blue link. Segment list is within the MSD limit of R1 so it’s allowed.
  • 100 mbps of bandwidth has been reserved (can be verified with “show topology” outputs).

Advertising SR-TE policy to headend

As the install method has been configured as “direct srte 2001:192::101”, Traffic Dictator will create an SR-TE route with NO_ADVERTISE community and send it to peer 2001:192::101 if it’s up and has IPv6-SRTE AF negotiated.

Luckily, in this case such a peer exists:

TD1#show bgp summary 
BGP summary information
Router identifier, local AS number 65001
  Neighbor             V    AS          MsgRcvd  MsgSent      InQ     OutQ      Up/Down    State          Received NLRI    Active AF        4    65002           379      286        0        0      4:44:40    Established              164    IPv4-LU, LS
  2001:192::101        4    65002           377      414        0        0      4:44:36    Established              164    IPv4-SRTE, IPv6-LU, IPv6-SRTE, LS

Verify that the route has been created and send to peer:

TD1#show bgp ipv6 srte [192][16777227][101][2002::11]
BGP-SRTE routing table information
Router identifier, local AS number 65001

BGP routing table entry for [192][16777227][101][2002::11]
Paths: 1 available, best #1
  Last modified: September 05, 2024 16:50:20
  Local, inserted
    - from - (
      Origin igp, metric 0, localpref -, weight 0, valid, -, best
      Endpoint 2002::11, Color 101, Distinguisher 16777227
      Tunnel encapsulation attribute: SR Policy
          Policy name: R1_R11_BLUE_ONLY_IPV6
          Preference: 100
          Binding SID: 15101
          Segment lists:
              [17005, 17010, 24015], Weight 1
TD1#show bgp neighbors 2001:192::101 ipv6 srte advertised-routes | fgrep [192][16777227][101][2002::11]

*>+       [192][16777227][101][2002::11]                                  -                      0             -        0        i


Note: Since SR-TE NLRI uses some special symbols, use fgrep or grep -F to filter them instead of regular grep.

SR-TE distinguisher

BGP SR-TE NLRI has a 4-byte field called “distinguisher”. It is similar to route distinguisher in MPLS VPN and EVPN and is used to separate different NLRI from the BGP perspective.

Traffic Dictator uses distinguisher for 2 purposes:

  1. Separate policies with different headend but same endpoint and color.
  2. Facilitate redundancy when multiple controllers advertise the same policy with different distinguishers.

When generating SR-TE distinguisher, Traffic Dictator takes first byte from the configured global value (under router general), and the next 3 bytes are auto-generated from policy index. E.g. if configured distinguisher is 1, and first policy has index 0, the distinguisher will be 16777216 (0x01000000) and so on.

Indirect install to peer-group

The following policy has been configured as “install indirect”:

traffic-eng policies
   policy R11_R1_BLUE_OR_ORANGE_IPV4
      headend topology-id 101
      endpoint color 3
      binding-sid 15003
      priority 5 5
      install indirect srte peer-group R1
      candidate-path preference 100
         metric igp
         affinity-set BLUE_OR_ORANGE
         bandwidth 100 mbps

Relevant peer group config:

traffic-eng peer-groups
   peer-group R1
      neighbor 2001:192::101

In this example, Traffic Dictator will advertise the policy to 2001:192::101 (or to all members of peer group, when applicable) do not attach NO_ADVERTISE community and set route-target to

TD1#show bgp ipv4 srte [96][16777216][3][] detail 
BGP-SRTE routing table information
Router identifier, local AS number 65001

BGP routing table entry for [96][16777216][3][]
Paths: 1 available, best #1
  Last modified: September 05, 2024 16:50:20
  Local, inserted
    - from - (
      Origin igp, metric 0, localpref -, weight 0, valid, -, best
      Endpoint, Color 3, Distinguisher 16777216
      Extended Community: Route-Target-IP:
      Tunnel encapsulation attribute: SR Policy
          Policy name: R11_R1_BLUE_OR_ORANGE_IPV4
          Preference: 100
          Binding SID: 15003
          Segment lists:
              [16910, 16025, 16001], Weight 1

Indirect install is a very powerful technique whereby you can configure Traffic Dictator to peer only with route reflectors, and leverage the existing BGP infrastructure to distribute policies to all headends.

Policy priority

Traffic Dictator allows to set setup and hold priority for each policy. Value 0 is the highest and 7 is the lowest. Setup priority cannot be higher (lower numerical value) than hold priority.

When a policy has bandwidth constraint, TD will use setup priority to check available bandwidth. When reserving bandwidth, it will use hold priority. Therefore, a policy with higher can kick out another policy which has hold priority lower (higher numerical value) than the setup priority of the first policy, forcing the kicked policy to be recalculated over a different path or fail if there is not enough bandwidth.

Set priority:

TD1(config-traffic-eng-policies-policy)#priority ?
  <0-7>                Setup priority (lower is better)

TD1(config-traffic-eng-policies-policy)#priority 0 ?
  <0-7>                Hold priority (lower is better)

Binding SID

Binding SID or BSID is one of the methods to steer traffic into an SR-TE policy. When policy headend receives a packet with topmost MPLS label equal to BSID, that packet will be sent via the SR-TE policy. Regardless if you’re using this method or not, BSID is mandatory for any SR-TE policy. It must be unique per policy and is allocated from the headend Segment Routing Global Block (SRLB) range.

Configure BSID:

TD1(config-traffic-eng-policies-policy)#binding-sid ?
  <16-1048575>         Binding SID for SRTE policy


Explicit Null Label Policy (ENLP) instructs the SR-TE headend about whether ot not to impose explicit null for different types of traffic. The default behaviour is that IPv6 traffic sent over IPv4 policy (via color-only steering) will have IPv4 exp-null (label 0) and IPv4 traffic sent over IPv6 policy will have IPv6 exp-null (label 2) imposed. It is possible to change this behaviour to set exp-null for all IPv4/IPv6 or both prefixes, or to never set it.

See also:

Configure ENLP:

TD1(config-traffic-eng-policies-policy)#enlp ?
  ipv4                 Set explicit null for IPv4 prefixes
  ipv6                 Set explicit null for IPv6 prefixes
  both                 Set explicit null for all prefixes
  none                 Do not set explicit null

Note: if the policy endpoint has been found to be an Egress peer, ENLP will always be set to “none”, regardless of configuration. This is because traffic will go outside of the MPLS network and having it labeled can lead to egress peer dropping packets.


It is possible to configure a candidate path to override policy endpoint when this candidate path is active. Color (for SR-TE) or service-loopback (for LU) remains the same. The logic is that each policy corresponds to a service which should be treated according to the specified intent, but the destination where to forward traffic can change based on available network resources.

Configure endpoint-override:

TD1(config-traffic-eng-policies-policy-cpath)#endpoint-override ?
  <ipv4|ipv6>          Egress node or egress peer IP address

For more details and use-cases see:

Anycast SID in policies

Another interesting thing about the previous policy (R11_R1_BLUE_OR_ORANGE_IPV4) is that it uses anycast SID.

Constraint requests to use either blue or orange links. Refer to the diagram:

This path happens to be ECMP but across 2 paths, but we also need to exclude the yellow links, so some SID are required.

Traffic Dictator finds out that it needs to do ECMP across 2 segment lists, and finds out that R9 and R10 share anycast SID 910 and R2 and R5 share anycast SID 25. Therefore it uses the anycast SID:

TD1#show traffic-eng policy R11_R1_BLUE_OR_ORANGE_IPV4 detail
Detailed traffic-eng policy information:

Traffic engineering policy "R11_R1_BLUE_OR_ORANGE_IPV4"

    Valid config, Active
    Headend, topology-id 101, Maximum SID depth: 10
    Endpoint, color 3
        Endpoint type: Node, Topology-id: 101, Protocol: isis, Router-id: 0001.0001.0001.00

    Setup priority: 5, Hold priority: 5
    Reserved bandwidth bps: 100000000
    Install indirect, protocol srte, peer-group R1
        Install peer list:
    Policy index: 0, SR-TE distinguisher: 16777216
    Binding-SID: 15003

    Candidate paths:
        Candidate-path preference 100
            Path config valid
            Metric: igp
            Path-option: dynamic
            Affinity-set: BLUE_OR_ORANGE
                Constraint: include-any
                List: ['BLUE', 'ORANGE']
                Value: 0x5
            This path is currently active

    Calculation results:
        Aggregate metric: 40
        Topologies: ['101']
        Segment lists:
            [16910, 16025, 16001]

    Policy statistics:
        Last config update: 2024-09-05 16:48:27,559
        Last recalculation: 2024-09-05 16:50:20.468
        Policy calculation took 0 miliseconds

If there was no anycast SID in this topology, the policy would use 2 segment lists which is not optimal as that would use more TCAM entries on routers.

Multiple segment lists

While this is suboptimal and should be avoided, sometimes multiple segment lists are required to steer traffic over a desired path.

TD1#show run | sec R1_R11_YELLOW_OR_ORANGE_IPV6
traffic-eng policies
   policy R1_R11_YELLOW_OR_ORANGE_IPV6
      headend topology-id 101
      endpoint 2002::11 color 102
      binding-sid 15102
      priority 6 6
      install direct srte 2001:192::101
      candidate-path preference 100
         metric igp
         affinity-set YELLOW_OR_ORANGE
         bandwidth 100 mbps
traffic-eng affinities
      name BLUE bit-position 0
      name YELLOW bit-position 1
      name ORANGE bit-position 2
   affinity-set YELLOW_OR_ORANGE
      constraint include-any
      name ORANGE
      name YELLOW

See the diagram:

R1-R3-R4 are on broadcast segment with IS-IS pseudonode. We should include these 2 paths via R3 and R4 + the orange path, via R2. Such a peculiar requirement results in 3 segment lists being used:

TD1#show traffic-eng policy R1_R11_YELLOW_OR_ORANGE_IPV6 detail 
Detailed traffic-eng policy information:

Traffic engineering policy "R1_R11_YELLOW_OR_ORANGE_IPV6"

    Valid config, Active
    Headend, topology-id 101, Maximum SID depth: 10
    Endpoint 2002::11, color 102
        Endpoint type: Node, Topology-id: 101, Protocol: isis, Router-id: 0011.0011.0011.00

    Setup priority: 6, Hold priority: 6
    Reserved bandwidth bps: 100000000
    Install direct, protocol srte, peer 2001:192::101
    Policy index: 17, SR-TE distinguisher: 16777233
    Binding-SID: 15102

    Candidate paths:
        Candidate-path preference 100
            Path config valid
            Metric: igp
            Path-option: dynamic
            Affinity-set: YELLOW_OR_ORANGE
                Constraint: include-any
                List: ['ORANGE', 'YELLOW']
                Value: 0x6
            This path is currently active

    Calculation results:
        Aggregate metric: 40
        Topologies: ['101']
        Segment lists:
            [24011, 17007, 17011]
            [17002, 17011]
            [24015, 17011]

    Policy statistics:
        Last config update: 2024-09-05 16:48:27,661
        Last recalculation: 2024-09-05 16:50:20.469
        Policy calculation took 0 miliseconds

1. R2 node SID, R11 node SID
2. R1 adj SID to R4, R7 node SID, R11 node SID
3. R1 adj SID to R3, R11 node SID

The same segment lists are advertised via BGP SR-TE:

TD1#show bgp ipv6 srte [192][16777233][102][2002::11] detail 
BGP-SRTE routing table information
Router identifier, local AS number 65001

BGP routing table entry for [192][16777233][102][2002::11]
Paths: 1 available, best #1
  Last modified: September 05, 2024 16:50:20
  Local, inserted
    - from - (
      Origin igp, metric 0, localpref -, weight 0, valid, -, best
      Endpoint 2002::11, Color 102, Distinguisher 16777233
      Tunnel encapsulation attribute: SR Policy
          Policy name: R1_R11_YELLOW_OR_ORANGE_IPV6
          Preference: 100
          Binding SID: 15102
          Segment lists:
              [24011, 17007, 17011], Weight 1
              [17002, 17011], Weight 1
              [24015, 17011], Weight 1

While in this particular case it is necessary to meet the policy constraints, the network designer should avoid using multiple segment lists and rely on anycast SID whenever possible.

Explicit path

In order to steer traffic via specific links or nodes, or to exclude links or nodes, you can use explicit path.

traffic-eng policies
   policy R1_R9_EP_STRICT_IPV4
      headend topology-id 101
      endpoint color 8
      binding-sid 15008
      priority 4 4
      install direct srte 2001:192::101
      candidate-path preference 100
         explicit-path R2_R6_R9_STRICT
         bandwidth 100 mbps

Explicit path config:

traffic-eng explicit-paths
   explicit-path R2_R6_R9_STRICT
      index 10 strict
      index 20 strict
      index 30 strict

This policy does not use affinities, but forces traffic via R2-R6-R9 as on the diagram below:

TD1#show traffic-eng policy R1_R9_EP_STRICT_IPV4 detail 
Detailed traffic-eng policy information:

Traffic engineering policy "R1_R9_EP_STRICT_IPV4"

    Valid config, Active
    Headend, topology-id 101, Maximum SID depth: 10
    Endpoint, color 8
        Endpoint type: Node, Topology-id: 101, Protocol: isis, Router-id: 0009.0009.0009.00

    Setup priority: 4, Hold priority: 4
    Reserved bandwidth bps: 100000000
    Install direct, protocol srte, peer 2001:192::101
    Policy index: 18, SR-TE distinguisher: 16777234
    Binding-SID: 15008

    Candidate paths:
        Candidate-path preference 100
            Path config valid
            Metric: igp
            Path-option: explicit
                Explicit path name: R2_R6_R9_STRICT
            This path is currently active

    Calculation results:
        Aggregate metric: 30
        Topologies: ['101']
        Segment lists:
            [16002, 16009]

    Policy statistics:
        Last config update: 2024-06-09 13:21:29,818
        Last recalculation: 2024-06-09 16:24:41.371
        Policy calculation took 0 miliseconds

Note that explicit path is not the same as configuring explicit segment list as it’s possible on some routers. Traffic Dictator will still check the IGP topology and use only required segments. In this example, R6 SID is not used because it’s not required, as shortest path from R2 to R9 satisfies policy constraints.

It is possible to use various constraints in explicit path. For example:

traffic-eng policies
   policy R1_R11_EXCLUDE_SOME_IPV6
      headend topology-id 101
      endpoint 2002::11 color 110
      binding-sid 15110
      priority 4 4
      install direct srte 2001:192::101
      candidate-path preference 100
         explicit-path EXCLUDE_SOME_IPV6
         bandwidth 100 mbps
traffic-eng explicit-paths
   explicit-path EXCLUDE_SOME_IPV6
      index 10 exclude 2002::4
      index 20 loose 2002::7
      index 30 exclude 2001:100:13::11
      index 40 exclude 2001:100:14::11

This instructs the policy to do the following:

1. Get to R7 (2002::7) excluding R4 (2002::4)
2. Get to R11 (2002::11) excluding links R9-R11 (2001:100:13::11) and one of the links R10-11 (2001:100:14::11).

See the topology diagram:


TD1#show traffic-eng policy R1_R11_EXCLUDE_SOME_IPV6 detail 
Detailed traffic-eng policy information:

Traffic engineering policy "R1_R11_EXCLUDE_SOME_IPV6"

    Valid config, Active
    Headend, topology-id 101, Maximum SID depth: 10
    Endpoint 2002::11, color 110
        Endpoint type: Node, Topology-id: 101, Protocol: isis, Router-id: 0011.0011.0011.00

    Setup priority: 4, Hold priority: 4
    Reserved bandwidth bps: 100000000
    Install direct, protocol srte, peer 2001:192::101
    Policy index: 15, SR-TE distinguisher: 16777231
    Binding-SID: 15110

    Candidate paths:
        Candidate-path preference 100
            Path config valid
            Metric: igp
            Path-option: explicit
                Explicit path name: EXCLUDE_SOME_IPV6
            This path is currently active

    Calculation results:
        Aggregate metric: 50
        Topologies: ['101']
        Segment lists:
            [17005, 17007, 17010, 24015]

    Policy statistics:
        Last config update: 2024-06-09 13:21:29,817
        Last recalculation: 2024-06-09 16:25:43.528
        Policy calculation took 0 miliseconds

The relevant Segment list is: R5 node SID, R7 node SID, R10 node SID, R10-R11 adj SID for blue link.

Anycast IP in explicit path

Explicit path loose can also include anycast IP.

traffic-eng policies
   policy R1_R11_EP_LOOSE_IPV4
      headend topology-id 101
      endpoint color 9
      binding-sid 15009
      priority 4 4
      install direct srte 2001:192::101
      candidate-path preference 100
         explicit-path R25_LOOSE
         bandwidth 100 mbps
traffic-eng explicit-paths
   explicit-path R25_LOOSE
      index 10 loose is an anycast IP shared betwen R2 and R5. Traffic Dictator will resolve it to the following path:


Note how this is different from just using blue or orange links, because path after R5 will also split into ECMP to reach R11.

Policy result:

TD1#show traffic-eng policy R1_R11_EP_LOOSE_IPV4 detail 
Detailed traffic-eng policy information:

Traffic engineering policy "R1_R11_EP_LOOSE_IPV4"

    Valid config, Active
    Headend, topology-id 101, Maximum SID depth: 10
    Endpoint, color 9
        Endpoint type: Node, Topology-id: 101, Protocol: isis, Router-id: 0011.0011.0011.00

    Setup priority: 4, Hold priority: 4
    Reserved bandwidth bps: 100000000
    Install direct, protocol srte, peer 2001:192::101
    Policy index: 12, SR-TE distinguisher: 16777228
    Binding-SID: 15009

    Candidate paths:
        Candidate-path preference 100
            Path config valid
            Metric: igp
            Path-option: explicit
                Explicit path name: R25_LOOSE
            This path is currently active

    Calculation results:
        Aggregate metric: 40
        Topologies: ['101']
        Segment lists:
            [16025, 16011]

    Policy statistics:
        Last config update: 2024-06-09 13:21:29,817
        Last recalculation: 2024-06-09 16:25:43.525
        Policy calculation took 2 miliseconds

While in this particular example, SID 25 is used in segment list, there is no strict relation between anycast IP in explicit path and anycast SID. Explicit path IP is used to determine the path, and segment list is calculated independently, to steer traffic along that path.

For instance, if I add anycast SID shared between R9-R10 to the same policy, segment list will not change as the path is still the same and there is no need for an extra SID:

TD1(config)#traffic-eng explicit-paths 
TD1(config-traffic-eng-explicit-paths)#explicit-path R25_LOOSE
TD1(config-traffic-eng-explicit-paths-ep)#index 20 loose

Updated policy:

TD1#show traffic-eng policy R1_R11_EP_LOOSE_IPV4 detail | grep -A1 Segment

        Segment lists:
            [16025, 16011]

There are 2 rules regarding various explicit path indexes:

1. Strict index cannot go after exclude. This is because “exclude” means we run SPF to next loose index or endpoint excluding specified links or nodes. Strict after exclude would result in an undefined behaviour.

2. Strict index cannot to after loose index which resolves to an anycast IP. Similarly, that would result in an undefined behaviour, because to process a strict index TD needs to know exactly what is the current node.

Bandwidth reservations

When a policy has bandwidth constraint, Traffic Dictator will perform bandwidth reservations. It will use configured setup priority to check bandwidth constraint, and hold priority to check if the policy can be kicked out to reserve bandwidth a higher-priority policy. Priority 0 is the highest and 7 is the lowest. Also setup priority cannot be higher than hold priority for the same policy.

You can check bandwidth reservations using “show topology” command. There is a very long output, relevant excerpt:

TD1#show topology 
  ISIS links

  0004.0004.0004.00              [E][L2][I101][N[c65002][b0][s0004.0004.0004.00]][R[c65002][b0][s0007.0007.0007.00]][L[i10.100.6.4][n10.100.6.7][i2001:100:6::4][n2001:100:6::7]]
                                 IGP metric:                    10
                                 TE metric:                     500
                                 Affinity:                      0x2
                                 Max-bw:                        10000000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 0:           10000000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 1:           10000000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 2:           10000000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 3:           10000000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 4:           10000000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 5:           10000000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 6:           9800000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 7:           9600000000
                                 Policies priority 0:           []
                                 Policies priority 1:           []
                                 Policies priority 2:           []
                                 Policies priority 3:           []
                                 Policies priority 4:           []
                                 Policies priority 5:           []
                                 Policies priority 6:           ['R1_R11_YELLOW_OR_ORANGE_IPV4', 'R1_R11_YELLOW_OR_ORANGE_IPV6']
                                 Policies priority 7:           ['R1_ISP4_ANY_COLOR_IPV6', 'R1_ISP4_ANY_COLOR_IPV4']

In this example, each policy reserves 100 mbps, but policies of priority 6 reserve bandwidth on lower priorities as well, that’s why priority 7 has less bandwidth available.

A big advantage of Segment Routing over RSVP-TE is the support for ECMP and anycast. One caveat is that as of the current version, Traffic Dictator will reserve 100% of requested bandwidth on links in ECMP  set, even if in reality traffic will be balanced across them.