EPE and Null endpoint policies


This chapter describes the configuration of Egress Peer Engineering (EPE) policies and advertising them to routers using BGP SR-TE and BGP-LU.

Similarly to the regular SR-TE policies, EPE policies can use dynamic or explicit path, anycast SID (within the IGP domain), and can have multiple segment lists, can be installed directly to peer or sent to a peer-group of route-reflectors with headend route target.

In other words, EPE policies are just like normal SR-TE policies but with an EPE label added to them. Refer to the section about Regular SR-TE policies for more details.


While IGP topology is always advertised to Traffic Dictator using BGP-LS, EPE topology can be advertised using BGP-LS or BGP-LU.

The standard, and preferred way to advertise EPE topology to Traffic Dictator is to configure routers to generate BGP Peer SID, and advertise those using BGP-LS, together with IGP topology.

If a router does not support BGP Peer SID, the alternative method is to have the router generate a BGP-LU route per egress peer and advertise those to Traffic Dictator.

Important: when using BGP-LU to advertise EPE routes to TD, you must setup a separate BGP session between TD and each egress ASBR that generates LU routes. Also, LU routes must be filtered out in route-maps on all other routers, so that TD receives only one EPE route for a given prefix, and that route is from the ASBR that generated it.

BGP Peer SID and BGP-LS are not impacted by this limitation. You can generate Peer SID on multiple egress ASBR, and have one router (e.g. a route-reflector) advertise all of those to TD.

When using EPE with affinity or bandwidth constraints, or using Null endpoints, make sure you have configured relevant ASBR nodes and egress peers in the relevant config section.

Simple EPE policy with BGP SR-TE

Consider the following topology:

The network is running IS-IS L2. In order to create an IPv6 policy to steer traffic from R1 to ISP5 only using blue links, we can configure the following policy:

traffic-eng policies
   policy R1_ISP5_BLUE_ONLY_IPV6
      headend topology-id 101
      endpoint 2001:100:20::105 color 104
      binding-sid 15104
      priority 7 7
      install direct srte 2001:192::101
      candidate-path preference 100
         metric igp
         affinity-set BLUE_ONLY
         bandwidth 100 mbps

Affinity-set BLUE_ONLY and relevant affinity mapping is configured to match the links with affinity 0x1 as advertised by IGP.

traffic-eng affinities
      name BLUE bit-position 0
   affinity-set BLUE_ONLY
      constraint include-all
      name BLUE

While not strictly required for the simple EPE case, if we want to make bandwidth reservation, it is also useful to add egress peer configuration:

traffic-eng nodes
      neighbor 2001:100:20::105
         affinity BLUE
         bandwidth 10 gbps

With this config, Traffic Dictator will lookup for endpoint 2001:100:20::105. If no node with such IGP prefix is found, TD will check BGP-LS and BGP-LU routes for relevant EPE route. In this case, a relevant prefix with BGP Peer SID is found:

TD1#show bgp link-state [E][B][I0][N[c65002][b0][q11.11.11.11]][R[c105][b0][q100.1.1.1]][L[i2001:100:20::11][n2001:100:20::105]] detail 
BGP-LS routing table information
Router identifier, local AS number 65001
Prefix codes: E link, V node, T IP reacheable route, S SRv6 SID, u/U unknown,
          I Identifier, N local node, R remote node, L link, P prefix, S SID,
          L1/L2 ISIS level-1/level-2, O OSPF, D direct, S static/peer-node,
          a area-ID, l link-ID, t topology-ID, s ISO-ID,
          c confed-ID/ASN, b bgp-identifier, r router-ID, s SID,
          i if-address, n nbr-address, o OSPF Route-type, p IP-prefix,
          d designated router address

BGP routing table entry for [E][B][I0][N[c65002][b0][q11.11.11.11]][R[c105][b0][q100.1.1.1]][L[i2001:100:20::11][n2001:100:20::105]]
NLRI Type: link
Protocol: BGP
Identifier: 0
Local Node Descriptor:
      AS Number: 65002
      BGP Identifier:
      BGP Router Identifier:
Remote Node Descriptor:
      AS Number: 105
      BGP Identifier:
      BGP Router Identifier:
Link Descriptor:
      Local Interface Address IPv6: 2001:100:20::11
      Neighbor Interface Address IPv6: 2001:100:20::105
Paths: 2 available, best #1
  Last modified: June 10, 2024 11:22:36
  65002 from (
      Origin igp, metric 0, localpref 100, weight 0, valid, external, best
      Link-state: Peer-SID: 24015
  Last modified: June 10, 2024 11:22:36
    2001:192::101 from 2001:192::101 (
      Origin igp, metric 0, localpref 100, weight 0, valid, external, not best reason: Higher IP
      Link-state: Peer-SID: 24015

Verifying EPE policy

TD1#show traffic-eng policy R1_ISP5_BLUE_ONLY_IPV6 detail 
Detailed traffic-eng policy information:

Traffic engineering policy "R1_ISP5_BLUE_ONLY_IPV6"

    Valid config, Active
    Headend, topology-id 101, Maximum SID depth: 10
    Endpoint 2001:100:20::105, color 104
        Endpoint type: Egress peer, Topology-id: 101, Protocol: isis, Router-id: 0011.0011.0011.00

    Setup priority: 7, Hold priority: 7
    Reserved bandwidth bps: 100000000
    Install direct, protocol srte, peer 2001:192::101
    Binding-SID: 15104
    ENLP not configured, ENLP active: "none", *Warning: ENLP set to "none" because this is an EPE policy

    Candidate paths:
        Candidate-path preference 100
            Path config valid
            Metric: igp
            Path-option: dynamic
            Affinity-set: BLUE_ONLY
                Constraint: include-all
                List: ['BLUE']
                Value: 0x1
            This path is currently active

    Calculation results:
        Aggregate metric: 40
        Topologies: ['101']
        Segment lists:
            [17005, 17010, 24015, 24015]

    Policy statistics:
        Last config update: 2024-06-10 11:21:05,375
        Last recalculation: 2024-06-10 12:21:06.340
        Policy calculation took 0 miliseconds

It shows that endpoint 2001:100:20::105 has been resolved to Egress Peer connected to node 0011.0011.0011.00.

Segment list is [17005, 17010, 24015, 24015] which is R5 node SID, R10 node SID, R10 Adj SID towards R11 using blue link and R11 Peer SID towards ISP5.

Since the policy is configured as “install direct srte 2001:192::101”, it will be sent to BGP peer 2001:192::101 using IPv6-SRTE AF, if such a peer is up and the AF is negotiated.

Refer to https://vegvisir.ie/regular-sr-te-policies/#Advertising_SR-TE_policy_to_headend for more options to advertise the policy to headend.

ENLP override

Note also the line “ENLP not configured, ENLP active: “none”, *Warning: ENLP set to “none” because this is an EPE policy”.

Explicit Null Label Policy (ENLP) instructs SR-TE headend whether or not to push explicit null label to the bottom of Segment List. Explicit Null can be useful to preserve QoS markings to last hop, or to forward IPv4 traffic over IPv6 policies and vice versa.

The following article has a good explanation of Explicit Null in Segment Routing: https://routingcraft.net/explicit-null-in-segment-routing/

Traffic Dictator will always override ENLP to “none” for EPE policies, regardless of what is configured. This is because traffic will go outside of the MPLS network and having it labeled can lead to egress peer dropping packets.

Null Endpoint policies

Consider the following topology:

There is a requirement to build a path from R1 to the closest exit matching yellow color.

Relevant policy config:

traffic-eng policies
      headend topology-id 101
      endpoint :: color 106
      binding-sid 15106
      priority 7 7
      install direct srte 2001:192::101
      candidate-path preference 100
         metric igp
         affinity-set YELLOW_ONLY
         bandwidth 100 mbps
traffic-eng affinities
      name YELLOW bit-position 1
   affinity-set YELLOW_ONLY
      constraint include-all
      name YELLOW

Endpoint is :: (Null for IPv6). In this case, Traffic Dictator will do the following:

1. Check for configured egress peers and prepare a list of peers matching affinity and bandwidth constraints. In this topology, it is <R6, ISP2> and <R11, ISP4>.

2. Then it will build both paths and choose the one with lowest IGP metric as best. In this case, the path via R6 is preferred.

Verify the policy:

TD1#show traffic-eng policy R1_NULL_YELLOW_ONLY_IPV6 detail 
Detailed traffic-eng policy information:

Traffic engineering policy "R1_NULL_YELLOW_ONLY_IPV6"

    Valid config, Active
    Headend, topology-id 101, Maximum SID depth: 10
    Endpoint ::, color 106
        Endpoint type: Egress peer, Topology-id: 101, Protocol: isis, Router-id: 0006.0006.0006.00

    Setup priority: 7, Hold priority: 7
    Reserved bandwidth bps: 100000000
    Install direct, protocol srte, peer 2001:192::101
    Binding-SID: 15106
    ENLP not configured, ENLP active: "none", *Warning: ENLP set to "none" because this is an EPE policy

    Candidate paths:
        Candidate-path preference 100
            Path config valid
            Metric: igp
            Path-option: dynamic
            Affinity-set: YELLOW_ONLY
                Constraint: include-all
                List: ['YELLOW']
                Value: 0x2
            This path is currently active

    Calculation results:
        Aggregate metric: 20
        Topologies: ['101']
        Segment lists:
            [17003, 17006, 24012]

    Policy statistics:
        Last config update: 2024-06-10 11:21:05,376
        Last recalculation: 2024-06-10 13:21:08.551
        Policy calculation took 0 miliseconds

EPE policies with BGP-LU

Similarly to the usual BGP-LU policies, it is possible to have EPE policies installed by BGP-LU instead of BGP SR-TE. Consider the following topology:

Policy config:

traffic-eng policies
   policy R1_ISP5_BLUE_ONLY_IPV4
      headend topology-id 101
      endpoint service-loopback
      priority 7 7
      install direct labeled-unicast
      candidate-path preference 100
         metric te
         affinity-set BLUE_ONLY
         bandwidth 100 mbps

Service-loopback must be configured on egress ASBR, in this case R11. It MUST NOT be advertised into IGP, but it MUST be advertised via BGP-LU to headend (R1) with low LOCAL_PREF so it is less preferred than the policy advertised by Traffic Dictator. Then nexthop for BGP routes can be changed to the service-loopback, to achieve behaviour similar to automated steering in SR-TE. For details, refer to the chapter https://vegvisir.ie/bgp-lu-policies

Verify the policy:

TD1#show traffic-eng policy R1_ISP5_BLUE_ONLY_IPV4 detail 
Detailed traffic-eng policy information:

Traffic engineering policy "R1_ISP5_BLUE_ONLY_IPV4"

    Valid config, Active
    Headend, topology-id 101, Maximum SID depth: 6
    Endpoint, service-loopback
        Endpoint type: Egress peer, Topology-id: 101, Protocol: isis, Router-id: 0011.0011.0011.00

    Setup priority: 7, Hold priority: 7
    Reserved bandwidth bps: 100000000
    Install direct, protocol labeled-unicast, peer

    Candidate paths:
        Candidate-path preference 100
            Path config valid
            Metric: te
            Path-option: dynamic
            Affinity-set: BLUE_ONLY
                Constraint: include-all
                List: ['BLUE']
                Value: 0x1
            This path is currently active

    Calculation results:
        Aggregate metric: 2000
        Topologies: ['101']
        Segment lists:
            [900010, 100002, 100001]
        BGP-LU next-hop:

    Policy statistics:
        Last config update: 2024-06-17 08:56:35,584
        Last recalculation: 2024-06-17 09:56:35.630
        Policy calculation took 0 miliseconds

Unlike a similar SR-TE policy, label stack does not have node SID of R5 because R5 is directly connected and the policy has nexthop which points to R5. The rest of label stack is: R10 node SID, R10 adj SID towards R11 using blue link, R11 EPE label towards ISP5.

Null endpoint and BGP-LU

While Null endpoint is specific to SR-TE policies, Traffic Dictator allows to configure a BGP-LU policy with null endpoint as well. It makes sense if you think that the prefix advertised in BGP-LU is service-loopback, which is like a color in SR-TE. Another way to say it is that BGP-LU policies always do “any-endpoint” steering, like with CO bits 10 in SR-TE.

Consider the following topology:

Policy config:

traffic-eng policies
      headend topology-id 101
      endpoint service-loopback
      priority 7 7
      install direct labeled-unicast
      candidate-path preference 100
         metric igp
         affinity-set YELLOW_ONLY
         bandwidth 100 mbps

The policy is configured to send traffic to the EPE endpoint closest to R1, using only yellow links.


TD1#show traf pol R1_NULL_YELLOW_ONLY_IPV4_LU detail
Detailed traffic-eng policy information:

Traffic engineering policy "R1_NULL_YELLOW_ONLY_IPV4_LU"

    Valid config, Active
    Headend, topology-id 101, Maximum SID depth: 6
    Endpoint, service-loopback
        Endpoint type: Egress peer, Topology-id: 101, Protocol: isis, Router-id: 0006.0006.0006.00

    Setup priority: 7, Hold priority: 7
    Reserved bandwidth bps: 100000000
    Install direct, protocol labeled-unicast, peer

    Candidate paths:
        Candidate-path preference 100
            Path config valid
            Metric: igp
            Path-option: dynamic
            Affinity-set: YELLOW_ONLY
                Constraint: include-all
                List: ['YELLOW']
                Value: 0x2
            This path is currently active

    Calculation results:
        Aggregate metric: 200
        Topologies: ['101']
        Segment lists:
            [900006, 100000]
        BGP-LU next-hop:

    Policy statistics:
        Last config update: 2024-06-17 10:58:58,894
        Last recalculation: 2024-06-17 10:58:59.205
        Policy calculation took 0 miliseconds

In order for Null endpoint with BGP-LU to work properly, you must configure the same service loopback on all egress ASBR that can be potential exit points for a Null endpoint policy. Of course, the same ASBR can have many service loopbacks, used for different policies.

Bandwidth reservations

When a policy has bandwidth constraint, Traffic Dictator will perform bandwidth reservations. It will use configured setup priority to check bandwidth constraint, and hold priority to check if the policy can be kicked out to reserve bandwidth a higher-priority policy. Priority 0 is the highest and 7 is the lowest. Also setup priority cannot be higher than hold priority for the same policy.

You can check bandwidth reservations using “show topology” command. “show topology epe” shows bandwidth reservations specifically for egress peers.

TD1#show topology epe
                                 Affinities:                    ['ORANGE', 'YELLOW']
                                 Shared bandwidth group:        102
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 0:           10000000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 1:           10000000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 2:           10000000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 3:           10000000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 4:           10000000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 5:           10000000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 6:           10000000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 7:           9800000000
                                 Policies priority 0:           []
                                 Policies priority 1:           []
                                 Policies priority 2:           []
                                 Policies priority 3:           []
                                 Policies priority 4:           []
                                 Policies priority 5:           []
                                 Policies priority 6:           []
                                 Policies priority 7:           ['R1_NULL_YELLOW_ONLY_IPV6', 'R1_NULL_YELLOW_ONLY_IPV4']
                                 Affinities:                    ['ORANGE', 'YELLOW']
                                 Shared bandwidth group:        102
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 0:           10000000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 1:           10000000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 2:           10000000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 3:           10000000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 4:           10000000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 5:           10000000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 6:           10000000000
                                 Unrsv-bw priority 7:           9800000000
                                 Policies priority 0:           []
                                 Policies priority 1:           []
                                 Policies priority 2:           []
                                 Policies priority 3:           []
                                 Policies priority 4:           []
                                 Policies priority 5:           []
                                 Policies priority 6:           []
                                 Policies priority 7:           ['R1_NULL_YELLOW_ONLY_IPV6', 'R1_NULL_YELLOW_ONLY_IPV4']

Note that in this example the same 2 policies reserve bandwidth on both IPv4 and IPv6 peers. This is because they have been configured with the same shared bandwidth group, as both peers use the same link. Refer to: https://vegvisir.ie/asbr-nodes-and-egress-peers-configuration/#Configuring_bandwidth-group_for_Egress_Peers